Walnuts and Heart Health!

Who would have thought there could be a connection between walnuts and heart health.  Yet recent research shows that not only is there a strong connection between walnuts and heart health but that this connection also benefits the endothelium, which lines and regulates your cardiovascular system.

If you’ve been following my articles you know that I’m a firm believer in endothelial health and function for improved cardiovascular health.  Now organizations like WebMD and Life Extension are highlighting the benefits of walnuts and heart health.  Here are excerpts from recent publications from these two outstanding organizations.

What WebMD Says About Walnuts and Heart Health!

Walnuts are the No. 1 nut for heart health, says a researcher who presented his findings Sunday at the American Chemical Society annual meeting.  That’s because walnuts were found to have more antioxidants – and better-quality antioxidants – than other popular nuts tested, says Joe Vinson, PhD, a researcher at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.”

According to Dr. Vinson, “Twenty-eight grams of walnuts (an ounce) have more antioxidants than the sum of what the average person gets from fruits and vegetables.”

According to Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, “Studies show that walnuts improve cardiac risk factors and enhance blood flow.”

Click here to read the complete WebMD March 28, 2011 article entitled “Walnut May be Top Nut for Heart Health”

What Life Extension Says About Walnuts and Heart Health!

In the August 2011 issue of Life Extension, William Faloon discusses the health impact of walnuts in his editorial entitled “FDA
Says Walnuts Are Illegal Drugs!”
Specific to walnuts and heart health, William Faloon had this to say:

The March 4, 1993, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published the first clinical study showing significant reductions in dangerous LDL and improvement in the lipoprotein profile in response to moderate consumption of walnuts.  Later studies revealed that walnuts improve endothelial function in ways that are independent of cholesterol reduction.

One study published by the American Heart Association journal Circulation on April 6, 2004, showed a 64% improvement in a measurement of endothelial function when walnuts were substituted for other fats in a Mediterranean diet.

As most Life Extension members are aware, the underlying cause of atherosclerosis is progressive endothelial dysfunction.  Walnuts contain a variety of nutrients including arginine, polyphenols, and omega-3s that support the inner arterial lining and guard against abnormal platelet aggregation.  These favorable biological effects explain why walnut consumption confers protection against coronary artery disease.

The US National Library of Medicine database contains no fewer than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk.”

For the complete editorial by William Faloon from the August 2011 issue of Life Extension please click here.

Walnuts and Heart Health – An Ideal Snack!

Given the above information it makes sense to use walnuts as a heart healthy snack.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture an ounce of walnuts contains 185 calories, 4 grams of protein, nearly 2 grams of fiber, and 18 grams of “heart-healthy” fat.

The most popular snack in America is potato chips.  According to the Fat Secret website one ounce of potato chips contains 155 calories, 1.86 grams of protein, 1.2 grams of fiber, and 10.6 grams of fat.

Comparing the two snacks, walnuts are going to give you twice as much protein, almost twice as much fiber, and healthy fats that benefit cardiovascular health.  Plus the extra protein and fiber will help to hold your appetite over a longer period of time.  This will result in better energy and less hunger going into your next meal.

I also want to thank Life Extension for confirming what I’ve been talking about for a very long period of time. According to William Faloon of Life Extension, “the underlying cause of atherosclerosis is progressive endothelial dysfunction.” Atherosclerosis is the development of plaque formations in the interior of the vascular system leading to a narrowing of the vascular pathway.  This can reduce blood flow and increase the potential for blood clots to form.  It’s one of the major contributing factors for cardiovascular disease.

Implementing a nutrition program that nourishes and supports a healthy endothelium is critically important to your overall health and wellness.  Your nutritional program needs to increase your endothelium’s ability to properly produce nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system.

As the saying goes “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”.  Well, maybe “an ounce of walnuts a day will keep the cardiovascular surgeon away!” Don’t minimize the value of walnuts and heart health.  They could help reduce your risk for the number one killer of men and women worldwide, which is cardiovascular disease.

Together we can work to save a million lives by teaching people about walnuts and heart health benefits!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology.  He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam.  The information about walnuts and heart health contained in this article has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Food versus Supplementation for L-Arginine and L-Citrulline!

In my last post I showed you the amount of food you would need to consume to take in 5 grams of L-arginine, 1 gram of L-citrulline, and 400 micrograms of folic acid. Three key nutrients for cardiovascular health.

I’m using these quantities because most research shows that to receive a therapeutic benefit you would need to consume these amounts. L-arginine and L-citrulline are necessary for improved nitric oxide production. Folic acid is needed for proper red blood cell production and heart health. When people realize all the food they need to eat, and the limited menu they have to choose from, they begin to ask the question:

Is it better to get L-Arginine and

L-Citrulline through food or supplementation?

This video answers that question. Enjoy it and I’ll have some observations to make after you watch it:

Observation 1 – As you saw from the video there is a strong case for proper supplementation especially when you factor in calories, cost, and convenience. The cheapest meal you could consume was 12 ounces of black beans, 2.7 pounds of watermelon and 1 cup of Total cereal at a cost of $4.45. This meal would also bring 813 calories into your body.

Observation 2 – Instead of conventional food you had two other choices. Your first choice would be to go to your local health food store and purchase three supplements: L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and Folic Acid. While this is the least expensive way at $1.86 it also means taking 13 capsules per day. You would need to take 1 Folic Acid tablet, 2 L-Citrulline capsules, and 10 L-Arginine capsules.

Just remember, if you choose supplementation then make sure that you only use the natural “L” form of the amino acid and never the “D” or synthetic form. Additionally, make sure that the product uses “pharmaceutical grade” ingredients. This ensures that the ingredients meet exacting standards so that product quality and consistency is maintained from batch to batch. This is especially important for L-arginine products.

There are a lot of “nitric oxide” products in the marketplace. They are widely used by weight lifters to help them experience improved workouts and increased muscle mass. But, “nitric oxide” products are not to be played around with. It’s extremely important to know who the product formulator is and what experience they have in properly isolating L-arginine so that it can be effectively brought into your system.

It’s also important to know if the product you’re considering has any clinical studies associated with it. Clinical studies that can support its effectiveness in truly improving the health of your endothelial cells so that they can properly produce higher levels of nitric oxide.

Observation 3 – As you know I’m a firm believer in ProArgi-9 Plus. It’s your other choice. While it’s slightly more than the supplements, it does provide you with 9 additional ingredients all designed to help improve cardiovascular health. When compared to the food choices, it is $2.00 cheaper and significantly lower in calories. This allows me to properly support my cardiovascular system, especially my endothelial cells. It also allows me more flexibility in my diet for other healthy organic foods. While there are a handful of other good products in the marketplace, none have the clinical studies to support their effectiveness like ProArgi-9 Plus.

Observation 4 – I made a pitch for eating organic foods at the end of the video. While organic foods are certainly higher in cost than the store bought brands it’s worth the extra expense in helping improve liver function. As I shared in the video, every added chemical ingredient has to be processed by your liver, which takes away its ability to help your body in other needed areas. If you want to have your eyes opened to the food industry and how they manufacturer our food sources, then rent the DVD Food Inc. from your favorite rental source.

Well, I hope this video and post has been educational and beneficial in helping you see proper supplementation as a complement to making good food choices.

Together we can work to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.
The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information contained in this article about L-Arginine and L-Citrulline has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus!

I’d like you to know about the new Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus. This page provides one central location to order this “remarkable” and unique product. It’s available to my existing customers and to those considering ProArgi-9 Plus. This short video tutorial will show you how to quickly and effectively use this page.

ProArgi-9 Plus is the nutritional supplement at the heart of the High Desert Heart Institute study. This study has had a profound impact on the method of treatment for the patients at the High Desert Heart Institute.

ProArgi-9 Plus is the product created by Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast. Dr. Joe (as he prefers to call himself) has used this L-arginine / L-citrulline supplement with other heart healthy ingredients to benefit over 7,000 patients of which 80% are diabetics. For those who have followed his advice on how to use this supplement, Dr. Joe made the following recent statement:

. . . 80% of the people have diabetes and in 17 years we have had no problems with strokes, no problems with heart attacks, I’ve not even had any admissions in 17 years. So this is a striking example in how we can use this product for real power for health. . . “

If you’re interested in ordering ProArgi-9 Plus then please click on Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus.” Once on the page I would ask you to Bookmark it so that you can conveniently return to it whenever you need to.

Additionally, if you watched the video you know that we are close to releasing our first information module “Help with Pain from Sickle Cell Anemia!” Our goal is to have this information platform up on the internet sometime between March 31st and April 15th. When it becomes live we will announce it here and provide you with a link to this platform.

Our next information module will be “Help with Complications from Diabetes!” We hope to have this one completed by the end of May. Please feel free to share the information with family and friends.

Together we can work to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.
The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information contained in this article about ProArgi-9 Plus has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.