

Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus!


I’d like you to know about the new Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus. This page provides one central location to order this “remarkable” and unique product. It’s available to my existing customers and to those considering ProArgi-9 Plus. This short video tutorial will show you how to quickly and effectively use [...]

High Desert Heart Institute – Angelo Cici Interview!


The High Desert Heart Institute Study was conducted in July of 2009. This study was the most comprehensive human clinical trial ever conducted on a nutritional supplement. This study included 33 high risk congestive heart failure patients.

Prior to the start of the study 60% of them were on a heart transplant [...]

High Desert Heart Institute – Nurses Interview!


More and more information is being released about the High Desert Heart Institute study, the most comprehensive human clinical trial ever conducted on a nutritional supplement. It involved 33 high risk congestive heart failure patients at the High Desert Heart Institute. The patients’ ages ranged from 43 to 90 and 60% [...]

Dr. Siva Interview!


On Saturday, January 23, 2010 Dr. Siva Arunasalam, the Founder and Director of the High Desert Heart Institute gave his first public presentation of the groundbreaking results from the High Desert Heart Institute Study.  This study evaluated the effects of the nutritional supplement ProArgi-9 Plus on the health of 33 congestive heart failure patients.  The [...]