

High Blood Pressure and Endothelium Part 2!


High Blood Pressure

Learning how to properly repair and nourish your endothelium is foundational to helping you gain better control over your high blood pressure issues. The following statistics will help you understand why this is so critically important: 

77% of Americans treated for a first stroke had high blood pressure!
69% of Americans who experienced a [...]

Food versus Supplementation for L-Arginine and L-Citrulline!


In my last post I showed you the amount of food you would need to consume to take in 5 grams of L-arginine, 1 gram of L-citrulline, and 400 micrograms of folic acid. Three key nutrients for cardiovascular health.

I’m using these quantities because most research shows that to receive a [...]

Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus!


I’d like you to know about the new Quick Order Page for ProArgi-9 Plus. This page provides one central location to order this “remarkable” and unique product. It’s available to my existing customers and to those considering ProArgi-9 Plus. This short video tutorial will show you how to quickly and effectively use [...]

High Desert Heart Institute – Angelo Cici Interview!


The High Desert Heart Institute Study was conducted in July of 2009. This study was the most comprehensive human clinical trial ever conducted on a nutritional supplement. This study included 33 high risk congestive heart failure patients.

Prior to the start of the study 60% of them were on a heart transplant [...]

Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast Video!


I came across this short but very interesting video of Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast.  For those who don’t know Dr. Joe (as he prefers to call himself), he is the product formulator of ProArgi-9 Plus.  Dr. Joe is Board Certified in Internal Medicine as well as Endocrinology and Metabolism.  He is an expert in integrative [...]