Nitric Oxide and Cardiovascular Health!

If you want to improve your overall health, and the health of your loved ones, then you need to understand the relationship between nitric oxide and cardiovascular health.  It’s absolutely critical because you could not live without nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system.
You’ve most likely never been counseled by your physician about the importance of nitric oxide and cardiovascular health.  Yet there is an overwhelming amount of research that validates the tremendous role nitric oxide plays in your body.  Here is just a sample of several prominent physicians and researchers with their comments about nitric oxide and cardiovascular health:

Dr. John Cooke – Director of Vascular Medicine at Stanford University and author of the book, The Cardiovascular Cure:

This book will introduce you to the magic that is inside your blood vessels.  It comes in the shape of a molecule, one of the simplest molecules found in nature. This molecule is nitric oxide, or NO, a substance so powerful that it can actually protect you from heart attack and stroke. Best of all, your body can make it on its own.  NO is your body’s own built-in, natural protection against heart disease.”

Dr. Louis J. Ignarro – 1998 Nobel Laureate in Medicine and author of the book, NO More Heart Disease:

Though NO’s structure is simple, nitric oxide is now regarded as the most significant molecule in the body, absolutely crucial to your well-being. I am convinced that nitric oxide can age-proof your cardiovascular system, keeping it much fitter than your chronological age would indicate.”

Repairing the damage wrought by cardiovascular disease without risky and often ineffective surgery had long been considered impossible.  I was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for making that thinking obsolete. Now we know we can reverse cardiovascular impairment naturally – with the body’s internally manufactured ‘wonder drug,’ nitric oxide.”

Dr. Jonathan S. Stamler – Professor of Medicine at Duke University Medical Center:

It does everything, everywhere. You cannot name a major cellular response or physiological effect in which [nitric oxide] is not implicated today. It’s involved in complex behavioral changes in the brain, airway relaxation, beating of the heart, dilation of blood vessels, regulation of intestinal movement, function of blood cells, the immune system, even how fingers and arms move.”

Three of the most prominent doctors in America all talking about the importance of nitric oxide and cardiovascular health.  How this amazing molecule plays such a significant role in your overall health.  The production of nitric oxide is a vital function of your endothelium, which lines all of your cardiovascular system.  In fact, the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American researchers who discovered how the endothelial cells produce nitric oxide from the amino acid L-Arginine.  Since its discovery much has been learned about nitric oxide.  For example:

  • Nitric oxide regulates the muscle tone of blood vessels to have a major impact on controlling blood pressure.
  • Nitric oxide stops blood platelet cells from grouping together in a clot to help prevent blockages in the blood vessels.
  • Nitric oxide controls the action of almost every orifice from swallowing to defecation.
  • Nitric oxide helps the immune system fight viral, bacterial and parasitic infections as well as tumors.
  • Nitric oxide causes penile erections by dilating blood vessels to help in erectile dysfunction.
  • Nitric oxide transmits messages between nerve cells.
  • Nitric oxide seems to be associated with the process of learning, memory, sleeping, feeling pain, and maybe even depression.
  • Nitric oxide has been shown to be a mediator in inflammation and rheumatism.
  • Nitric oxide promotes vascular reparative mechanisms when injury occurs.  It is one of the keys to reversing atherosclerosis.

To help you understand the significance of nitric oxide and cardiovascular health, let’s focus on two key cardiovascular issues.

Nitric Oxide and Cardiovascular Health – High Blood Pressure!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 31.3 percent of the U.S. adult population has high blood pressure.  That represents almost one out of every three adults.  Add to this fact that another 25 percent of American adults have prehypertension – blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal, but not yet in the high blood pressure range – and you have over half the American adult population affected by this cardiovascular disease.

This represents a staggering cost in human life and a significant financial drain.  In 2006, high blood pressure was listed as the primary or contributing cause of death for 326,000 Americans.  The estimated cost in 2010 for health care services, medications, and missed days of work was $76.6 billion.

The typical treatment program for most people with high blood pressure can be a combination of diet, exercise, stress management techniques, and medication. For many who opt for the medication route, it’s estimated that 26 percent still do not have their hypertension under control. Since many medications also have some form of side effect it can be a frustrating journey trying to get your blood pressure under control.

Enhancing the body’s ability to produce nitric oxide is seldom considered yet Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine Dr. Louis Ignarro makes the following statement regarding nitric oxide and cardiovascular health:

More effective than any other factor in the body, nitric oxide can dilate the smooth muscle of the blood vessels.  With this dilation, the vessels can relax and allow blood to flow easily through them – and quite possibly lower the blood pressure.”

Nitric oxide is the body’s most powerful vasodilator and causes the smooth muscle of the vascular wall to relax.  This regulates your blood pressure and the health of your endothelium controls this process.  Properly nourishing and repairing your endothelium so that it can properly produce nitric oxide is a natural way to help maintain normal blood pressure.

Nitric Oxide and Cardiovascular Health – Strokes and Heart Attacks!

When you have a blood clot that causes a blockage in the brain we call it a stroke and when that blockage occurs in the heart it’s called a heart attack. According to the American Heart Association’s website 87 percent of all strokes are ischemic strokes. An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot forms in the bloodstream.  This blood clot then lodges within an artery of the brain causing a blockage.  This blockage reduces the necessary blood flow to that section of the brain leading to damage or death to those brain cells.  The amount of damage determines the severity of the stroke.  This same scenario applies to your heart.  Add to this the following statistics:

  • 77% of Americans treated for a first stroke had high blood pressure!
  • 69% of Americans who experienced a first heart attack had high blood pressure!

As you can see the prevention of strokes and heart attacks really centers on addressing high blood pressure and reducing the potential for the formation of blood clots.  Your body does this naturally through nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system. Nitric oxide causes two very specific events or reactions to occur.

Nitric oxide keeps blood platelet cells from sticking together. This helps to prevent blood clots from occurring in the vascular system, thereby reducing the risk for strokes and heart attacks.

Nitric oxide is your body’s most powerful vasodilator to relax the smooth muscle of your vascular wall to properly control blood pressure. This improves blood flow and directly addresses the number one risk factor for strokes and heart attacks.  Additionally, your endothelium is a critical component in the regulation of your blood pressure by controlling the response of your vascular wall to the changing pressures within your cardiovascular system.

Nitric Oxide and Cardiovascular Health – Conclusion!

While there is much more that can be said about nitric oxide and cardiovascular health it is very evident that many of the cardiovascular issues facing the American population could be addressed through the proper production of nitric oxide.

Learning how to properly nourish, heal, and support your endothelium through proper nutritional supplementation, diet, and exercise would be a much more cost effective and life enhancing way then the current approach taken today.  As stated at the beginning of this article, nitric oxide is critical to your cardiovascular health.

Together we can work to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology.  He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicago area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam.  The information about nitric oxide and cardiovascular health has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Endothelial Health Equals Cardiovascular Health!

When was the last time anyone ever asked you about your endothelial health?


It’s estimated that there are approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the adult body.  These blood vessels include arteries, veins, and capillaries.  They are all protected by a microscopic inner lining of endothelial cells, which are commonly called the endothelium.  It’s important to note that these cells line the entire circulatory system from the inside of your heart all the way down to your smallest capillary.  When added up, the volume of these endothelial cells would cover the surface area of 4 to 8 tennis courts depending upon the size of the individual. That’s amazing since the endothelium is only one cell thick and can’t be seen by the human eye.

Once discovered the endothelium was classified as an inert membrane whose primary function was to keep the blood in the circulatory system and out of the body’s tissues and organs. Research over the last 25 years has shown that your endothelium is an active, multi-functional organ that plays a vital role in metabolic, immunologic, and cardiovascular health. Your endothelium is now considered to be the single largest secreting organ in the body.

Endothelial health is so important that the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American researchers who discovered how the endothelium converts the amino acid L-arginine into nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system.

Endothelial Health and Its Life Enhancing Functions!

Because endothelial cells line every blood vessel they play an important role in the proper function of every organ in your body.  The following is a list of the known functions of the endothelium.  Each function plays an important role in endothelial health, cardiovascular health, and your overall wellness:

  • Angiogenesis – The formation of new capillaries is called angiogenesis and is regulated in part by the endothelium. Endothelial health is extremely important in wound healing.  It also plays a significant role in muscle creation and in the heart’s ability to develop collateral vessels.  These collateral vessels can help lessen the impact of a blood vessel blockage in the heart by providing alternative routes for blood flow.
  • Blood Flow – Your endothelium helps to facilitate blood flow. It does this by providing a smooth surface that inhibits platelet adhesion and clotting.  It also tries to inhibit foreign substances from adhering to its cellular wall, which can lead to plaque formations.  Large molecules like LDL (bad) cholesterol and/or toxic substances like nicotine damage the intercellular junctions between the endothelial cells allowing deposits to build up.  This causes the smooth and flexible lining of your blood vessels to become rough and hard to directly impact endothelial health.

It’s these plaque formations that are at the heart of atherosclerosis. As this process continues over time, the deposits or plaques become larger which narrows the interior of the blood vessel making it harder for blood to pass through.  This increases resistance to blood flow, which can cause your blood pressure to increase. The following factors can damage the endothelium and increase these formations:  smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension or high blood pressure, and inflammation. Elevated homocysteine levels have also been associated with premature atherosclerosis and can effect endothelial health and function.

Atherosclerosis was once thought to be irreversible but new studies clearly show that when the proper biochemical environment is provided the injured endothelium can return to its undamaged state. Proper supplementation with L-arginine, the precursor for nitric oxide, has been shown to diminish lesion formation, reverse endothelial dysfunction, and lead to improved endothelial health.

  • Blood Clotting – The narrowing of your blood vessels also causes blood turbulence that can lead to the formation of blood clots.  These blood clots, if large enough or if they pass through too narrow of an opening, can eventually lodge themselves in a blood vessel causing a blockage. When this happens in the heart we call it a heart attack.  When it
    happens in the brain it is called a stroke.

The endothelial cells produce a molecule called nitric oxide, which inhibits platelet adhesion, activation, secretion and aggregation, and promotes platelet disaggregation. This is extremely important in preventing blood clots in the vascular system to lessen the risk for heart attacks and strokes. It’s also a critical factor in sickle cell anemia to help prevent sickle cells from adhering to each other and clinging to the vascular walls.  This helps to prevent blockages, which cause most of the pain and tissue damage associated with sickle cell anemia.

While using nitric oxide to prevent blood clotting, it’s interesting to note that the endothelial cells are also necessary for blood to clot. They synthesize the vitally important molecule called Factor VIII or von Willibrand’s Factor, which is essential for blood clotting.  Without this molecule a person could bleed to death from a simple scratch.

  • Blood pressure – Not only do the endothelial cells provide a dynamically-controlled structural barrier between the circulating blood and surrounding tissues and organs but they also produce signaling molecules that influence vasodilation and vasoconstriction. Vasodilation causes blood vessels to relax allowing for greater blood flow.  This reduces blood pressure. Vasoconstriction causes blood vessels to tighten reducing blood flow and causing blood pressure to increase.

It’s currently believed that the endothelial cells are the controlling factor in the regulation of blood pressure. They produce both nitric oxide, which is the most potent vasodilator, and Endothelin-1 the most potent vasoconstrictor. The proper production of nitric oxide is fundamental to maintaining normal blood pressures, which means that endothelial health is critical to helping you maintain normal blood pressures.

  • Specialized barrier function – Endothelial cells act as selective filters to regulate the passage of gases, fluids, and various molecules across their membranes.  For example, in the brain and retina the endothelial cells are tightly linked together to create a barrier that only allows selective molecules to pass through it.  In the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, the endothelial cells are loosely linked allowing for cellular trafficking between their intercellular gaps.  However, in the kidneys, endocrine glands, and intestinal villi, the endothelial cells have a different type of selective permeability to allow for efficient filtering, secretion, and absorption based on that organ’s function.

Endothelial health is also critical to the proper function of your immune system. Your white blood cells or leucocytes are produced in the bone marrow.  They travel through the blood stream where the endothelial cells facilitate their passage into your body’s tissue to allow them to destroy foreign agents or antigens.  This gate-keeping role varies for each organ system but is dependent upon endothelial health and function.

Endothelial Health Is Critically Important!

It’s amazing that a simple lining of cells on the interior walls of your blood vessels could have such a profound affect on your
cardiovascular health and overall wellness.  Yet that’s exactly the case with your endothelial cells.  Endothelial health is critical to your health and your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system.  When impaired, endothelial dysfunction has been linked to the following diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Scleroderma
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • ALS
  • Parkinson’s
  • Hypercoagulation of Blood, Thrombosis, Clotting Disorders
  • Renal Failure
  • Metabolic Syndrome including Abdominal Obesity and Insulin Resistance
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Glaucoma

That’s quite a list of diseases. Properly bringing in a good source of L-arginine, combined with good eating and lifestyle habits like those found in the Mediterranean diet, can help reverse damage to the endothelium and improve endothelial health. This means that your choices have a direct impact on endothelial health, which impacts cardiovascular health and all the diseases listed above.

It also means that you have the ability to prevent most of these diseases by focusing your attention on ways to improve your endothelial health and function. We’ll look at this in our next article especially as it applies to proper nitric oxide production.

Together we can work to save a million lives by concentrating on endothelial health!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology.  He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicago area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information about endothelial health has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent and disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Foods and Supplements for Nitric Oxide!

Nitric Oxide Molecule

The latest health trend has been the emerging science of nitric oxide production.

While foods and supplements for nitric oxide production has been part of the body building world, it’s now becoming popular for cardiovascular health. 

It’s about time!

The 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American researchers who discovery on how your endothelium, which lines all of your cardiovascular system, converts the amino acid L-Arginine into nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system. Recently, Dr. Oz has been promoting L-Arginine supplementation has a key factor for improving cardiovascular health.

While L-arginine is critical to nitric oxide production, the amino acid L-citrulline is also extremely important. In fact, most nitric oxide researchers will tell you that L-Citrulline is equally, maybe in more important, than L-Arginine. The reason why is L-Citrulline recycles L-Arginine to have a synergistic effect on extending the endothelium’s ability to properly produce nitric oxide. Here’s the difference between L-Arginine alone versus the two in combination with each other:

  • If you consume a therapeutic level of L-Arginine you will typically get a 30 minute to 2 hour window of improved nitric oxide production resulting in a small window of improved circulation.


  • If you combine your L-Arginine with a therapeutic level of L-Citrulline then you will increase this window of improved nitric oxide production to a 24 to 36 hour window. That’s huge especially in helping to repair your endothelium for long term improvements in your circulation.

Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, one of the 1998 Nobel Laureates in Medicine, established the following quantities needed for these two amino acids. According to Dr. Ignarro you need 4-6 grams of L-Arginine and 200 to 1000 mg of L-Citrulline to have a therapeutic effect. Anything less and you’re not going to get improved nitric oxide production. The following video will help you understand how much food this represents. It was originally done for our series on sickle cell anemia but it directly applies to this discussion.

Foods That Contain L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and Folic Acid for the Creation of Nitric Oxide! 


As you can see by the above video food brings with it a cost in both quantity and calories. The following video helps to take this information and compare it to the dollar cost of using supplementation to help create a therapeutic level of nitric oxide production.

Food vs. Supplementation for the Creation of Nitric Oxide! 


Clearly supplementation is a more cost effective approach to addressing improved nitric oxide production. I’m in the process of preparing a new video to help you properly analyze this growing world of nitric oxide supplements. It will help you ask the right questions and look for the right information so that you can choose supplements that will give you great value and lead to real improvements to the cardiovascular system.  

If you’re interested the product I highlighted at the end of the above video, then please check out ProArgi-9 Plus. It’s a clinically proven product that can repair and nourish the endothelium for improved nitric oxide production leading to significant cardiovascular improvements. 

Together we can work to save a million lives through the most cost effective method for the creation of nitric oxide! 

Dan Hammer 

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.  

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information about foods and supplements for nitric oxide has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

22 Reasons You Should Supplement With L-Arginine!

The 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to 3 American researchers for their discovery of how your endothelium, which lines all of your cardiovascular system, converts the essential amino acid L-Arginine into Nitric Oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system. Since the discovery of this L-Arginine / Nitric Oxide connection there has been a frenzy of interest in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry. This interest is now spilling over in the general population as Dr. Oz and others begin to emphasize the need for L-Arginine supplementation for improved cardiovascular health and overall wellness. 

The effectiveness of L-Arginine as a therapeutic agent has been validated by over 10,000 scientific clinical studies and over 750,000 sites of documentation. The nitric oxide derived from L-Arginine is directly or indirectly implicated in practically every cellular response and health condition known. It specifically impacts your cardiovascular system, immune system, hormone function, and nerve function.  

The Bottom Line is That You Could Not Live Without Nitric Oxide so L-Arginine Supplementation is Critical to Your Health!  

Because of ongoing research, an exhaustive list of the possible applications of L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide is not possible at this time but the following 22 reasons have solid, scientific backing. These 22 reasons apply to both healthy individuals, as well as those whose health is compromised by cardiovascular risk factors. Because of the direct link between L-arginine and Nitric Oxide the two are interchangeable in the following list: 

  1. L-arginine is one thousand times more powerful than any naturally occurring antioxidant in the body. L-arginine’s antioxidant properties support various body systems and may protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing premature aging. 
  2. Nitric oxide offers wide-ranging cardiovascular support, including the control of blood pressure and plaque formation. Nitric oxide keeps arteries relaxed and pliable for normal blood pressure, preventing hypertension and angina.
  3. Nitric oxide enhances memory, particularly long-term memory, and may help to reverse the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Nitric oxide may help in the treatment and prevention of diabetes since many disease complications, including poor circulation and blindness, are vascular in nature. L-arginine is also found to regulate insulin secretion in the pancreas. 
  5. Nitric oxide enhances communication of messenger cells between nerves and the brain. 
  6. Nitric oxide may help improve immune function and fight bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. 
  7. L-Arginine, through nitric oxide production, boosts human growth hormone (HGH) production, which has anti-aging properties. 
  8. Nitric oxide helps with cholesterol control by lowering serum and LDL cholesterol levels. It also helps to repair damage to the endothelium caused by LDL (Bad) cholesterol. 
  9. Nitric oxide enhances male sexual performance by treating vascular erectile dysfunction or ED. 
  10. Nitric oxide keeps blood platelet cells from sticking together to reduce the chance for blood clotting that could lead to a heart attack or stroke. 
  11. L-Arginine, through nitric oxide production, reduces pregnancy-related hypertension, a risk factor for both the expecting mother and the unborn child. 
  12. Nitric oxide can be useful in the treatment of asthma by opening pulmonary pathways for easier breathing and the treatment of lung disorders. 
  13. Nitric oxide helps to regulate the digestive process and relaxes hypertonic sphincter muscles, preventing and healing hemorrhoids. 
  14. L-arginine, through nitric oxide production, boosts lean muscle mass and preserves bone density by encouraging HGH production, which also leads to a reduction in fatty tissue. Because of this, it may be useful in weight management and strength training. 
  15. Nitric oxide can help offset cardiovascular and lung damage caused by tobacco use, since nitric oxide levels in smokers are less than half of those found in non-smokers. 
  16. Nitric oxide helps to accelerate wound healing and post surgery recovery. Research has shown it is useful in treating burn wounds and stimulates wound healing in the elderly. 
  17. L-arginine may be useful in enhancing athletic performance due to improved circulation and the ability to delivery more oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles and organs. This boosts exercise tolerance, improves lung function, and can stimulate HGH levels. This all helps to build lean muscle tissue while improving training, performance, and recovery in all types of exercise programs. 
  18. Nitric oxide may prevent and possibly reverse the effects of osteoporosis by positively affecting bone mass. 
  19. L-arginine, and its ability to create nitric oxide, has been used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and to reduce the occurrence of ulcers, especially stress related, without affecting gastric acid production. 
  20. Nitric oxide may improve renal function and slow the progression of renal disease and age-related chronic renal failure. L-Arginine’s protective effect on the kidneys may also benefit those with diabetes. 
  21. Nitric oxide may be used to improve the function of the prostate. 
  22. Nitric oxide helps people with sickle cell anemia to prevent pain crises as well as recover quicker by helping to maintain proper blood flow. 

That’s an Impressive List of Benefits for L-Arginine and Nitric Oxide! 

According to Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, one of the three 1998 Nobel Laureates in Medicine, “Nitric oxide is the body’s natural cardiovascular wonder drug.” It is nice to see that his amazing discovery is finally getting the attention it deserves.  

There’s much more that could be said about the creation of Nitric Oxide. Like the need for L-Citrulline and other antioxidants to enhance Nitric Oxide production over a long period leading to therapeutic benefits. We’ll save that for another post.  

If you’re interested in a clinically proven product that can repair and nourish the endothelium for improved nitric oxide production leading to significant cardiovascular improvements, then please check out ProArgi-9 Plus from Synergy WorldWide. I highly recommend it.

Together we can work to save a million lives by helping others understand the importance of L-Arginine for proper cardiovascular health! 

Dan Hammer 

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.  

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information about 22 reasons why you should supplement with L-Arginine has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

High Blood Pressure and Endothelium Part 1


High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure

To make significant improvements in your high blood pressure you need to repair the organ that directly controls your blood pressure. Most people think that organ is your heart. It’s not. Instead, it’s an organ that most people have never heard of and most physicians never treat. Yet, the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American researchers who discovered how this organ produces a gas called nitric oxide. 

Nitric oxide regulates the muscular tone of your vascular system to directly impact high blood pressure. The name of the organ that produces nitric oxide is the endothelium.  

The repair and proper nourishment of your endothelium is critical to anyone who has high blood pressure! 

These two educational videos will help you understand the relationship between your endothelium, the creation of nitric oxide, and how this regulates and impacts your blood pressure.  

 You Can Prevent High Blood Pressure Naturally! 

There is a silent epidemic occurring in America. It all centers around high blood pressure. Currently, 1 in 3 American adults or approximately 70 million have some level of hypertension. High blood pressure is the 13th largest cause of death in America. It’s the leading cause of stroke and a major factor in both cardiovascular disease and the complications associated with diabetes. 

According to the famous Framingham Heart Study, it’s estimated that a 55-year old person, with a normal blood pressure, has a 90 percent lifetime risk of getting high blood pressure. This directly impacts the Baby Boomer population. Every 8 seconds a Baby Boomer turns 65 years of age. Combine this with the Framingham Heart Study and Baby Boomers are on a direct pathway to high blood pressure. 

It’s also important to note that high blood pressure can be resolved without the need for prescription drugs, which carry many unwanted side effects. 

Our first educational video will help you better understand these high blood pressure issues:


High Blood Pressure and Endothelium Video 1

How Nitric Oxide Impacts High Blood Pressure!

Damage done to the endothelium directly effects your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide – the master signaling molecule of your entire cardiovascular system. Because nitric oxide is an environmental pollutant and a dangerous free radical, most researchers discounted nitric oxide as having any affect on high blood pressure.

However, the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American researchers who discovered how your endothelial cells convert the essential amino acid L-arginine into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes the smooth muscle in your vascular wall to improve blood flow and regulate your blood pressure.

Our second educational video will help you better understand how nitric oxide regulates your blood pressure:

High Blood Pressure and Endothelium Video 2

We’ll Continue These Videos on High Blood Pressure in Our Next Post!

You must properly nourish and repair your endothelium if you want to improve your body’s ability to maintain a normal blood pressure and reduce your risk for cardiovascular issues. There are several key natural ingredients that can make a significant difference in the health of your endotheium and we’ll discuss these in the next post.

Together we can work to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information about high blood pressure and the endothelium has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Can Heart Attacks Be Prevented?

Heart AttackWhen I wrote the title for this post I immediately thought of my father who passed away in 1987 of a massive heart attack. He died while on a fishing trip in Minnesota. He was sitting in the cabin with his friends eating his favorite snack. Popcorn loaded with butter. He died at the young age of 67.

Like his father who died of a heart attack and his mom who died of a heart attack, he followed their pathway. Was it genetics and heredity that caused this event? Or, was it lifestyle and food choices? Most likely a combination of both with a greater emphasis on food choices.

Just like in 1987, as it is today, heart attacks and cardiovascular disease are still the number one killer of all people. So, the question is still the same:

Can a Heart Attack Be Prevented?

While the question remains the same the outcome can be significantly different!

Eleven years after my father’s death from a heart attack the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American researchers for their remarkable discovery of how the endothelial cells, which line all of your cardiovascular system, create nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the master signaling molecule of the cardiovascular system and it has a huge impact on cardiovascular health.

One of those researchers who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine is Dr. Louis J. Ignarro. In his 2005 National Bestseller entitled NO More Heart Disease, Dr. Ignarro made the following statement:

NO – as it is known by chemists – is produced by the body specifically to help keep arteries and veins free of the plaque that causes stroke and to maintain normal blood pressure by relaxing the arteries, thereby regulating the rate of blood flow and preventing coronaries. Nitric oxide is the body’s natural cardiovascular wonder drug.”

Even before Dr. Ignarro’s Nobel Prize there was an event taking place that has significantly moved the discoveries made in the lab to practical clinical results in humans.

Let me introduce you to Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast or Dr. Joe as he prefers to call himself. Dr. Joe is a leading endocrinologist from Palo Alto, CA and a nationally acclaimed expert on L-arginine therapy. L-arginine is the amino acid your endothelial cells use to create nitric oxide, the master signaling molecule of your cardiovascular system.

Since 1991, Dr. Joe has been personally using L-arginine and recommending it to his patients. Through his close personal association with Dr. John Cooke at the Stanford School of Medicine’s Cardiovascular Research Center, Dr. Joe has been able to incorporate cutting edge vascular research done in the lab into actual patient care. True clinical application that has benefited thousands of his patients and tens of thousands of people around the world.

Dr. Joe’s clinical application of proper L-arginine therapy has benefited over 7,000 of his own patients resulting in less than 1% patient hospital admissions in 17 years. This is a phenomenal record especially then you realize that 80% of his patients are diabetics who typically have hospital admissions for cardiovascular issues. Because of this remarkable record the American Diabetes Association awarded Dr. Joe the Father of the Year Award in 2008.

Dr. Joe is the product formulator of ProArgi-9 Plus and it causes me to ask the question:

Would My Dad’s Heart Attack Have Been Prevented If He Had Access to ProArgi-9 Plus?

From all the clinical research I’ve seen and the people I’ve been able to help, I believe he would have greatly benefited from this product. It’s one of the reasons why I’m so passionate about ProArgi-9 Plus. I truly believe in this product and its ability to improve the cardiovascular health of every person.

To help you better understand how unique and powerful ProArgi-9 Plus is, I’ve created a webinar for you. Here is the link:

(Please note that the webinar presentation is 30 minutes long. Once you click on the arrow to start it, please give it 10-15 seconds to load. The remaining time is used to answer questions from those attending.)

Now you can understand why I believe so strongly in ProArgi-9 Plus. It is a remarkable product that has huge potential to benefit people. Especially those who have cardiovascular health issues.

Together we can work to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

Dan Hammer has a background in biology, chemistry and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Chicagoland area and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam. The information contained in this article about heart attack prevention has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Dr. Louis Ignarro – Nobel Prize Laureate

Preventing and Reversing Cardiovascular Disease thru Nitric Oxide!

In 1998 Dr. Louis Ignarro shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine with two other American scientists for the discovery of Nitric Oxide and how it is the master signaling molecule for the cardiovascular system.  Dr. Ignarro has over 30 years of research in Nitric Oxide.  He firmly believes that Nitric Oxide can both prevent as well as reverse cardiovascular disease. 

How important is preventing and reversing cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both the United States and the world.  Over 60 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease.  Heart disease is 12 times more deadly to women than breast cancer.  As you can see by these statistics preventing and reversing cardiovascular disease could make a huge impact on life expectancies especially if it was your own life.

The American Health Journal produced a 30 minute feature on Dr. Ignarro and his work with Nitric Oxide.  This feature can be found on YouTube.  Whoever posted this feature divided it into 3 parts and misspelled Dr. Ignarro’s name (Ignarrao instead of Ignarro).  I wanted to bring all three parts into one blog post.    

The information is excellent.  In Dr. Ignarro’s own words he will tell you how Nitric Oxide and the amino acid L-Arginine can prevent and reverse heart disease naturally to age proof your cardiovascular system.    

Part 1 – Please be patient with the first 45 seconds since it contains a promo for Western University and the lead in to the American Health Journal.  As Dr. Ignarro is introduced, he takes us back to when he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine.  After he shares his feelings about this high honor Dr. Ignarro talks about Nitric Oxide.  How it lowers blood pressure, prevents strokes and heart attacks, improves blood flow to the organs, acts as a vasodilator, protects against coronary artery disease, lowers bad cholesterol levels, and is the body’s natural way to protect against heart disease.  This video abruptly ends and is picked up in Part 2.  Total time is 8:58.

Part 2 – Dr. Ignarro’s completes his discussion about how the body uses the essential amino acid L-arginine to product Nitric Oxide.  How a deficiency in Nitric Oxide is really a deficiency in L-arginine.  Then Dr. Andrew Myers is introduced and he discusses how the endothelial cells regulate the production of Nitric Oxide.  Dr. Ignarro returns to discuss all the different benefits of Nitric Oxide such as keeping the blood vessels healthy, preventing blood clots, maintaining blood pressure, maintaining the normal balance between HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol), and the necessity of Nitric Oxide for the prevention of erectile dysfunctionThe segment that I found most interesting was how Nitric Oxide facilitates memory and learning.  Dr. Ignarro even discusses how Nitric Oxide can restore memory and help in Alzheimer’s disease.  Total time is 9:06.

Part 3 – For some reason the sound is a bit off in this segment so please don’t let it distract you.  Dr. Ignarro discusses the importance of diet and vitamins especially the antioxidants found in garlic and green tea.  He talks about the importance of exercise and how exercise has been shown to boost or stimulate Nitric Oxide production.  And, he concludes by talking about his book NO More Heart Disease and how he tried to communicate the science of Nitric Oxide at a level everyone could understand and apply.  Total time is 8:50.

Dr. Ignarro’s Passion!

As you can see and hear from these three videos Dr. Ignarro passionately believes that Nitric Oxide can prevent and reverse heart disease.  He firmly believes that Nitric Oxide is the body’s natural way to protect against cardiovascular disease and without side effects.  Dr. Ignarro and I both share a common goal.  That goal is to educate as many people as possible on the health benefits of an effective L-arginine/Nitric Oxide protocol so that they can work with their physician to help prevent and/or reverse heart disease.

Together we can work to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

The information contained in this blog is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam.  The information contain in this blogging website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.

Is No More Heart Disease Possible?

Heart disease accounts for approximately 35% of all deaths.  It is estimated by the American Heart Association that 80 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease.  DoctorsIn researching and writing more than 100 articles for my Aging No More website, one very important theme keeps reoccurring. If you take the necessary steps to improve the health of your cardiovascular system, which includes your heart and circulatory system, you can:

Positively affect most of the health of your other organs and take significant steps to slow down the aging process!

So, the question remains – Is No More Heart Disease Possible?

Well, before I answer that question let’s look at two significant health issues and two remarkable health professionals:

Stroke – According to the National Stroke Association, “. . . 80 percent of strokes are preventable!” For the most part the only difference between a stroke and a heart attack is location. A stroke occurs in the brain where as a heart attack occurs in the heart. Wouldn’t it make sense that 80 percent of heart attacks are preventable?

Cancer – According to the 517 page World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research Expert Report, “5 to 10% of cancers result directly from inheriting genes associated with cancer.” This means that nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors account for the remaining 90 to 95% of cancers. Wouldn’t it make sense that nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors would also play a significant role in heart disease?

Dr. Louis Ignarro – In 1998 Dr. Ignarro shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine with two other scientists for the discovery of Nitric Oxide and how it is the master signaling molecule for the cardiovascular system. In 2008, the American Heart Association selected Dr. Ignarro as a 2008 Distinguished Scientist. Dr. Ignarro firmly believes that the proper use of Nitric Oxide (NO) can significantly improve the health of most cells and make a major impact on reducing the risk of heart disease.

Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast – Dr. Joe (as he prefers to call himself) is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism and has a very large patient population at the Endocrine Metabolic Medical Center in Palo Alto California. Dr. Joe is a pioneer in the potential of L-Arginine (the precursor for NO) to dramatically affect cardiovascular health. Of Dr. Joe’s large high-risk, patient population, over the last 17 years less than 1% have experienced a stroke or heart attack if they have followed his L-Arginine protocol.

Now back to our question: Is No More Heart Disease Possible?

No, but given the above information we can make a significant impact in making heart disease a very small problem rather than the number one killer that it currently is.  We spend millions of dollars every year on finding a cure when the most important cure is staring us in the face. It is prevention!

This website is designed to help equip you with useful and practical knowledge that, in conjunction with your physician, will empower you to reduce your risk and help to eliminate heart disease.

Until next time, join me in working to save a million lives!

Dan Hammer

The information contained in this blog is for general information purposes only and never as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical exam.  The information contain in this blogging website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.