

Prevent Cardiovascular Complications of Diabetes!


Diabetes has grown to epidemic proportions and so have the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. According to the most recent statistics (2011) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes. However, what makes this “America’s largest healthcare epidemic” is that 79 million Americans are in a pre-diabetic condition, where [...]

African Americans and Cardiovascular Disease!


Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of people worldwide.  Unfortunately, it’s even worse for the African American community.  There are several reasons for this and hopefully this article will help begin the process of changing this sad reality.   To address these reasons I’ve broken this article into three parts:  The Bad News, Several Underlining [...]

Nitric Oxide and Diabetes!


Diabetes has become a national health problem.  Fortunately, there are clinical studies to show that nitric oxide can positively affect the complications of diabetes.  This blog will help you understand the hard facts, complications, and the potential of a proper nitric oxide / l-arginine protocol to help with this devastating disease. 

Now before we start you [...]