

Niacin and Cholesterol Reduction!


Many in the health care profession have forgotten about the positive relationship between niacin and cholesterol.  Instead they have promoted statin drugs to control cholesterol levels.  That’s unfortunate because niacin can be just as effective.  

What is Niacin?

Niacin is a member of the vitamin B family.  Specifically it is vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid.  Because it’s [...]

Fiber, Cholesterol, and Other Health Benefits!


If you read my post “Fiber and Cholesterol Reduction” you know how important fiber can be in helping to lower the “BAD” LDL cholesterol to prevent the cardiovascular disease atherosclerosis.    Fiber is also important in reducing the risk for certain types of cancer, helping control blood sugar for diabetics, reducing the risk for stroke, improving [...]

Fiber and Cholesterol Reduction!


Cholesterol reduction through the use of statin drugs has become a big and profitable business for the pharmaceutical industry.  As more and more people have opted for a pill to help control their cholesterol levels fewer people are using fiber as their first line of defense.  If you read my blog post “Cholesterol and Statin [...]